thanks for stoppin by my blog with the kind words! I'm gonna look around this blog-looks full of info! i see you're using blogger(guessing by the blogspot in the url) if so is this a new version? I don't recognize this template in my options-but have seen others using it thanks! joe
nice blog. considere it as bookmarked :)
ReplyDeletethanks for stoppin by my blog with the kind words!
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna look around this blog-looks full of info!
i see you're using blogger(guessing by the blogspot in the url)
if so is this a new version? I don't recognize this template in my options-but have seen others using it
joverine - I customized the (default) HTML template to include an extra sidebar to the right, and widen the page also.
ReplyDeleteawe shucks X(
ReplyDeleteok cool man thanks for the speedy reply!