There are four main chapters: 1. Starships, 2. Vehicles, 3. Creatures, droids and sculpts, 4. Environment.
The photos included are extremely high quality and many are close ups for details. The level of detail and workmanship is amazing when you're looking at it close up. I can also touch them.
Fans will find almost everything, from the Imperial Star Destroyer, Padme Amidala's Apartment, Holographic Chess Game, just to name a few.
If you've been to Star Wars exhibitions, you'll know that photography isn't allowed. Well, this book is the next best thing to the exhibition. Wait a minute — so that's why photography isn't allowed.
This is a well constructed hard covered book with great binding and high quality semi gloss paper.
There's also a special limited edition (Amazon link). You can read more details at the product page on Insight Editions, which is the publisher.

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